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Tax laws are complicated. Congress constantly makes amendments, changes or adds more rules to the current tax code. The federal tax code started in 1913 and was only 400 pages. It has now grown to more than 74,600 pages!

Our tax laws also contain numerous gray areas that are open to interpretation. Taxpayers who misread the code or don’t come to the same conclusions as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding a provision or regulation could find themselves in hot water. Even an honest mistake could lead to substantial penalties on top of any amount the IRS declares that you owe.

With so many pages and so many details involved in the tax code, it’s important to get someone on your side that understands not only what the tax law says, but how it has been historically applied. Getting the right representation can help you whether you’re going through a tax audit, arguing in tax court or just trying to negotiate payment terms with the IRS.

Examples of Our Tax Law Attorney Services

Our extensive knowledge of the tax code and its numerous changes combined with our years of experience helping people just like you enable us to offer a wide range of tax law services.

Delinquent Taxes

If the IRS claims that you didn’t pay taxes from previous years or you receive an unfavorable audit result, you could end up owing a substantial amount of money. A Polston Tax professional tax attorney can take charge of your case and take the appropriate actions, whether it’s setting up an installment agreement, pursuing an Offer in Compromise or negotiating a settlement. If it appears the IRS made a mistake, we’ll take the matter to Tax Court if necessary.

Employee Tax Reporting

Often, tax laws can be even more complicated for businesses than individuals. If you own a company that employs multiple workers, we’ll help you navigate the issues that tend to cause the most pressing concerns. Depending upon your business, these issues can include managing payroll taxes, determining whether staff members are employees or independent contractors, underpaying taxes and meeting the increasingly stringent compliance requirements in the most cost-effective manner. You’ll be able to focus more time and energy on what matters the most—running your business.

Tax Planning

Careful planning is typically the best way to avoid problems with the IRS and keep from paying more than your fair share of taxes. With our in-depth knowledge of the tax code, we can help you develop and implement a well-crafted strategy that anticipates issues that could impact your financial situation. Your plan will give you the peace of mind of knowing that you’re ready for whatever lies ahead from a tax perspective and help you save money.

Tax Return Services

When the tax laws change every year, it’s easy to overlook a modification or addition to the code that impacts your situation. Our tax attorneys keep abreast of all the updates so that we can help you stay current on your taxes and avoid costly mistakes at filing time. We’ll help you find all the deductions and other solutions that limit your tax liability. With our meticulous attention to detail, you can feel confident that your return will be as accurate and precise as possible.

Audit Representation

If the IRS decides to flag your tax return for an audit, we’ll be there to assist you. Our team includes numerous individuals authorized to represent taxpayers during the audit process, including enrolled agents, certified public accountants and tax attorneys. We’ll develop an effective defense strategy that increases the odds of a favorable outcome for you. We’ll help you prepare all the requested documents and supply them to the IRS, attend all the meetings on your behalf and handle the necessary correspondence.

Tax Accounting

The IRS requires adherence to strict practices regarding the tracking of funds that flow through an organization or an individual’s finances. The accomplished tax accountants at Polston Tax can help you interpret these rules as they apply to your assets and liabilities in current and future years. We’ll also take complete charge of the monthly and quarterly reporting processes to ensure you file all forms and documents promptly and stay compliant.

State Tax Law Issues

As if the federal tax laws weren’t complicated enough, each state also has its own tax code that impacts its residents in different ways. Polston Tax works with taxpayers in all 50 states. We can help you interpret the tax code in your specific state and ensure your returns are compliant. We can also assist you in pursuing the various options for resolving state taxes owed issues.

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